Portholme Church.
The present church was built in 1984, but its predecessors served the people of Selby for many years before that. The church today is the home of a lively, friendly and growing Christian community. You are warmly invited to join in worship and any of the other activities listed below. In May 2012, Selby Methodist Church formed a Local Ecumenical Partnership (LEP) with Selby URC Church. The inaugural service of Portholme Church was held on Sunday 22nd July 2012. Please see the Portholme Church website for further details.

Weekly Services and Events.
- Sunday
10.45am Morning worship with Junior Church. 6.00pm Contemplative Prayer (1st Sunday)
- Monday
10.00am-12noon Coffee Morning
- Tuesday
7.30pm Friendship Group (1st Tuesday in month, except August)
- Wednesday
10.00am-12noon Knit and Natter (September to June) 1.00pm-3.00pm Craft and Chat
- Friday
9.30am-11.30am Parents and Young Children (PYC) Group (term time)
- As announced
This weeks events.
We are proud to support Fairtrade Portholme Church is a Fairtrade church